Crypt Monkey Studios
Character: Victoria Beaty
The Invitation
My dearest cousin Anne,

It has been too long and I cannot wait to see you next. I have been saving my earnings to visit you. Perhaps next month I will ask for time to holiday with you in Wiltshire. It seems forever ago since I last road a train.

You will not believe what just happened as I walked the Lady Bennet's Saluki, King Tut, at The Regent's Park. The dog stopped to drink from the fountain and my friend Elizabeth Chase bounded into me, panting and gasping for air. It seems she had been trying to catch me up for several minutes but King Tut had been pulling me through the park rather vigorously.

Elizabeth's cousin, Martha, was to join her on the Gorman Hunt but she claims to have taken ill over the last few days. Elizabeth is quite sure that Martha's father has forbade her from the hunt in fear that the Whitechapel Murderer will take her. With so many in a scavenger hunting group, I don't truly understand the worry but all the better for me! Elizabeth has asked me to take her cousin's invitation and join her on the Gorman Hunt!

I may never have an opportunity like this again so I am very excited to accept the invitation. It seems I will finally have another reason to wear the fine dress I made last spring for Elizabeth's birthday picnic!

The Lady Bennet and her husband, Lord Walter Bennet, are also attending. I hope not to see them or at least for them not to notice me. I fear the Lady may ask me to run an errand for her during the party and, though I know it is not charitable for me to say, Lord Bennet is a pompous ass. I hope to not serve my employers this night of all nights!

I must cut this letter short, King Tut needs his bath before Lady Bennet arrives home.

Your loving cousin,



I have decided to bring my journal with me on the hunt, I do not want to forget anything from the night! I will share it with you when next we visit.
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Scrap Author: Ty Rucker
Added by Ty Rucker for Jack the Ripper
Poor Victoria, she's so excited to attend the party and the scavenger hunt. I have a feeling that the pretty dress she has been saving for a special occasion is going to get dirty.
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